AlleAktien researches Germany's best stock analyzes for long-term-minded private investors and modern asset managers.
What sets us apart is that we spend two to six weeks full-time on a single stock. We do intensive research on the business model, management, market, investor relations and conduct interviews with employees before we make an investment decision. Only those who have a profound understanding of what their companies are doing can become a successful investor in the long term - and remain relaxed in the event of a price slide like in March 2020.
The AlleAktien value system is based on integrity, quality and honesty. Integrity is the consistency between statements and actions. We prioritize the interests of customers over the interests of all stocks. We maintain discretion. Our word counts. We are an independent and long-term partner to our customers. All shares are financed exclusively by the premium members. We strictly reject outside money.
The AlleAktien quality defines the scientific, modern and professional equity analysis. Independence and neutrality first - that is our craft. All shares are under the supervision of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in accordance with Section 86 WpHG. Our mission: top quality research.
We analyze and explain business models, management, evaluations, risks and opportunities for more than 400 stocks in Germany, the USA, China and Europe. We do not see a share as a “short-term financial product”, but as a share in a company. That is why we want to understand the company behind the share 100% before we make a meaningful and successful investment decision and establish a profitable investment strategy. We also learn a lot about how the economy works around us and what exciting and highly profitable business models there are.